I’m not a professional gamer by any stretch of the imagination, however I have been playing video games in one form or fashion since the early 1980’s starting with my Atari 2600. I have plenty of entertaining stories that I will be sharing with you in this blog. Many will be gaming related, however I do have quite a few stories to tell involving various adventures and the like I had in my youth.

I also don’t consider myself a professional foodie, if there is even such a thing. I do enjoy sampling various different cuisine and will try anything at least once. I plan to post the occasional review on different gastronomical delights I sample from time to time.  If you are following me on Instagram, you will probably have seen one of the many posts of some various meals I have sampled over the while. In not, feel free to follow me and check it out.

I hope you find these stories entertaining. I have always enjoyed sharing my different stories and I figured it was time to share them with a wider audience.

Switchloaf – 2020